

The Experience Church Statement of Faith

We are Christ Centered Church that is dedicated to loving God with all our heart, mind and loving our neighbor as ourselves. (Matthew 22:37)

We believe Jesus Christ is God. Born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life, He gave His life to atone for our sins through His shed blood. He is risen from the dead, resurrected and is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. (John 1:1, Matthew 1:18,25; Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews9:15-22; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Acts 1:9-11; Hebrews 9:27 – 28)

We believe there is only one God who exists in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

We believe The Bible is the infallible Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We believe salvation is available through the finished work of Jesus Christ. Salvation comes by grace through faith based on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Jesus is the good news. Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again. (John 3:16; Romans 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:8-9; 2)

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, who lives within and guides Christians. (John 14:15-26; John 16:5-16; Ephesians 1:13-14)

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, that all believers are members of His body, the Church. (Philippians 2:1-4)

We believe human sexuality is to be expressed within the context of marriage, we believe God created man and woman as unique persons made to complete each other. God instituted marriage between male and female as the foundation of the family. For this reason, we believe marriage is exclusively the union of one genetic male and one genetic female. (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5-6, Mark 10:6-9, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9)

We believe human life is sacred from conception to its natural end; and that we must have concern for the physical and spiritual needs of all people. (Psalm 139:13, Isaiah 49:1, Jeremiah 1:5, Matthew 22:37-39, Romans 12:20-21, Galatians 6:10)